Many people seek relief from a chiropractor for headaches, especially migraine headaches. Often people suffer for many years with chronic headaches before going to see a chiropractor. Most medical doctors prescribe pain relievers which do not address the underlying cause of the pain.
Chiropractic treatments are usually very effective in treating migraine. Even with advancements in medicine, causative triggers for migraine headaches are not fully understood by the medical world. Migraine headaches usually produce pain in one side of the head. Migraine pain can also encase half of the forehead and one eye. In some instances, sufferers complain of pain in both eyes . The pain is often described as stabbing, pulsing & throbbing.
By correcting the misalignment, the neck and shoulder muscles can then relax.
When these issues are corrected it relieves the pressure on the nerves, which in turn relieves the headache. Chiropractic treatments can also involve treating tight muscles with massage therapy, which can further facilitate headache relief.
For those that suffer with chronic headaches or migraines, consistent chiropractic care can decrease the number of headaches a person may suffer.
If you suffer from painful headaches you may want to make an appointment with Houston Chiropractor Dr. Richard J. Werner DC. 3411 Richmond Avenue Suite 100 Houston, Texas 77046-3405 713-528-8800
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